What can we learn about being green from our grandparents?

Our grandparents lived their lives, they didn’t think about “being green”, recycling and being more energy efficient. They did all these things without thinking about it. They recycled in their own home, reusing or repurposing everything they had, when their clothes wore out they became cleaning rags. They used the vegatable scraps to create compost to replenish the soil. They reused glass jars for canning and storage.

The term “Green” is a term vastly over used. I prefer to thinking of it as getting back to basics. Our parents and grandparents didn’t have to be “green”, they were sensible. They didn’t have vast lawns in desert regions to keep watered. No plastic bags for them, they used canvas bags, does that sound familiar? They caught rainwater to water their gardens and made do with what they had. They reused everything.

What we are now doing as “green” they were doing as a way of life.

As homebuilders we can learn from them as well , many aspects of older homes which we think are quaint, actually serve a purpose. Porches are a great example of form meets function.  There are many styles of porches. Enclosed porches were used to facilitate removal of work clothes and help keep the house clean. Front porches cover the entrance to protect you from the elements as you fumble for your keys or your guests as they wait for you to answer the door. Wrap around porches can help keep a home comfortable by shading windows in the summer and allowing for solar heat gain in the winter when the sun is at a lower angle. Porches are a comfortable sitting area and a wonderful extension of your home.A porch can provide shade A great way to expand your living space


Large kitchens are another lesson we can take from the past. Nothing brings a family closer together than the kitchen, it truly can be the heart of your home. It’s a place to gather with friends and family, and a place to work together. A large kitchen can provide a place for your children to do homework while you make dinner.

Grandma's kitchen Today's kitchen

Then                                                                              Now

There is much new technology to make your home more comfortable, ICF’s or insulated concrete forms,  triple-paned windows, high efficiency heating systems and many options to make our homes as efficient and comfortable as possible. I believe we need to embrace the new technology but not at the loss of what has worked so well in the past.

Home trends change, but there are certain classic aspects that will never go out of style. Comfort and convenience will always remain in style.

Apache Creek Builders – Charlie Kattnig owner and ICF Builder in Southern Colorado including Pueblo, Westcliffe, Rye, Colorado City, Hatchet Ranch,  and surrounding areas.

www.apachecreekbuilders.com 719-251-3003

About Apache Creek Builders

I started in the building industry when I was a kid helping my dad, he was a mason by trade but taught me other building techniques as well. In 1995 I started my own building company and became interested in energy-efficient homes that are comfortable and that you will be proud of for generations to come. After much research I feel that ICF's are the best product for energy-efficient homes in our area.

Posted on January 5, 2013, in Benefits. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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